The Art of Setting Achievable Financial Goals

Gautam Gandhi
3 min readSep 12, 2023

Hey there, financial goal-setter! We all dream of a brighter financial future, and the key to making those dreams come true? Setting financial goals that actually work. In this article, I’ll break down the steps in a simple, conversational way and sprinkle in some motivation and real-life examples to keep things relatable. So grab a cup of coffee (or your beverage of choice) and let’s dive in!

Step 1: Dream Big and Be Specific

Alright, let’s start by dreaming big. What do you want to achieve financially? Think about both short-term and long-term goals. Want to pay off that student loan? Save for a dream vacation? Buy a house? Retire early? Be as specific as possible. Instead of saying, “I want to save money,” say, “I want to save $5,000 for a trip to Bali in one year.”

Step 2: Make Your Goals Measurable

Now that you’ve dreamed big, let’s make it measurable. How will you know when you’ve achieved your goal? In our Bali example, you’d know you’ve made it when you have $5,000 in your travel fund. This way, you can track your progress and stay motivated as you watch your savings grow.

Step 3: Set a Realistic Timeframe

Setting a realistic timeframe is crucial. It prevents you from feeling overwhelmed and gives you a sense of urgency. You don’t want to be saving for that Bali trip for the next decade, right? So, decide when you want to achieve your goal. In this case, one year is our target.

Step 4: Break It Down

Let’s break that big goal into smaller, manageable chunks. If you want to save $5,000 in a year, that’s roughly $417 per month or $96 per week. Breaking it down like this makes it less intimidating and easier to track.

Step 5: Take Action

Now comes the fun part — taking action! Start by creating a budget to see where your money is going. Identify areas where you can cut back to allocate more towards your goal. For our Bali trip, you might cook more at home instead of eating out or cancel that unused gym membership.

Step 6: Stay Accountable

Accountability is key to reaching your financial goals. Share your goal with a friend or family member who can cheer you on and remind you to stay on track. You can also use apps to track your progress automatically.

Step 7: Celebrate Milestones

As you make progress, celebrate your milestones. Maybe when you hit the halfway mark to your Bali fund, you treat yourself to a small indulgence. Celebrating your achievements keeps you motivated and excited about your financial journey.

Step 8: Adjust and Adapt

Life happens, and sometimes our financial goals need adjusting. Maybe you got hit with unexpected medical bills or car repairs. Don’t get discouraged! Adjust your timeframe or your monthly savings amount as needed. The key is to keep moving forward.

Real-Life Example: Sarah’s Journey to Debt Freedom

Meet Sarah, a recent college graduate drowning in student loan debt. Her big goal? Crush that debt and achieve financial freedom. She started by setting a specific goal to pay off $20,000 in student loans in three years. That’s roughly $555 per month.

Sarah created a budget, cut back on unnecessary expenses, and even took on a part-time job. She tracked her progress, celebrated when she paid off each loan, and adjusted her budget as needed. Three years later, Sarah was debt-free and ready to tackle new financial goals.

So there you have it! Setting financial goals that actually work is all about dreaming big, breaking it down, taking action, and staying motivated. Whether you’re saving for a dream vacation, paying off debt, or investing for the future, these steps can guide you on your financial journey.

Remember, it’s not about how much you make; it’s about how you manage what you have.

Start today, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve. Your financial dreams are within reach — go grab ‘em!

